Like other reviews it take a while to pick up. about 4 and 1/2 hours in. the beginning was probably the best. The MC’s situation and confrontation in the real world was believable, relatable, and I was cheering him on. the rest of the story picked up after the main setting and plot were thoroughly introduced.

I have a reason for rating the performance low. The most pressing issue I have is with the MC’s voice. It sounds like Roswan from “The Land” (Check it out on Audible). If you don’t know Roswan, imagine someone who grumbles all the time and mutters everything they say. His voice is so monotone it hurts. The times when he is danger accelerates the voice but it doesn’t raise or drop octaves often.

Next is the Witch. Her voice is said to be like a vampire from an old Dracula film. Yet she is young and beautiful. For one, I can’t imagine a young and beautiful woman attached to this voice easily. Two, it gets really old having to listen to a female Dracula complain 24/7.

Thirdly, the creatures. The echoing sound effects and other additions to the voices from the “Soundbooth” are unnecessary. the narration would be fine without them.

Lastly, the overall voices in the book provide a wide variety and show great skill as voice actors. I can admire this. I only wish that they chose more suiting/soothing/pleasant voices for characters we hear most often. I know for a fact Jefff Hays can do better.

TL;DR The book and story are great. However, the voices can be bothersome, depending on your tolerance. Would reccommend!