Nicola Haken writes incredibly emotional stories with characters you believe in, can relate to. They touch you; they stay with you, the good and the bad. And Broken will definitely stay with you. Fair warning, you’ll probably shed more than one tear while reading / listening, so tissues are a must.

Theo and James are so real you see them before you while listening. You are there for and in every moment and feel right alongside with them. That first meeting at the club, the flat tyre that enables the dynamic between the two men to change. The boss that sleeps with everything that moves and the more reluctant employee, it’s a story we’ve all read and heard before. There’s nothing new there. Or at least that’s what you might believe. This book is so much more. These people are so much more.

I absolutely loved this book. It’s brutally honest and unlike many other books dealing with mental illness it doesn’t romanticise or glorifies the condition. It is extremely difficult to get this kind of story portrayed just right, but this one was spot on. I loved every word of it and it’s a book that shouldn’t be missed out on.

Joel Leslie did a wonderful job narrating this story. He was this story, these characters. He made them real. He made the pain, the angst and fear real for the listener. He always performs the books he narrates to perfection, no question about it. He also have a myriad of different voices so you never need to wonder about who’s talking or in which head you’re currently in. He makes listening to the books effortless – except for the emotions he evokes.

I loved this book. I can’t think of a single thing I want to change or improve. This book exemplifies why I love reading. It’s emotional but more importantly it’s powerful in all the way that counts.

Highly recommended to everyone.

A copy of this book was generously provided by the author in exchange for an honest review for Love Bytes.