I have mixed feeling about this book. I didn’t particularly love it, but I didn’t hate it either. I just don’t think it really had a plot. I thought there would be more to it. There was basically just two people with this undeniable urge to be with each other for whatever reason. One was in there feelings most of the time and the other was definitely not. They almost had an annoying relationship and it was from one person’s point of view. Believe me when I say, he was definitely in his head a lot. I didn’t really think there was any kind of reason for any of it though. One had clear terms of there arrangement and even specified how he’s not good in relationships and how he doesn’t treat people how they should be treated. The other was a college boy that has never been in a relationship, so i don’t really understand how he even knows what to expect. So, yeah I think it’s just me because I’m not so emotional that this was kinda tedious sometimes. I thought there would at least be some big reveal at least at the end. I almost expected a cliffhanger, but it was a like fairy-tale ending, so I don’t get why there are other books. Seems finished to me.