I received a free audiobook from the author with the option of leaving a review.

So here goes.

This is based on the Perseid Collapse series by Steve Konkoly. Not sure if that makes it fan-fiction, but the characters are unique (to this story), just the “universe” is the same.

Pilgrimage has certain elements that set it apart from other apocalyptic tales. For example, it’s set during the first ten or so days and it details a rapid collapse of society, as opposed to a slow decline.


You’ve read this before. Despite the premise, the events in the book could have happened a year after. Or twenty years. There’s little to make it unique to being smack bang in the middle of the apocalypse apart from some dinner table arguments.

The MC is a God-fearing science teacher turned killing machine, who seems to be too Rambo too soon. He has a moment late in the story where he questions his choices, but deals with it inappropriately – “Kill ’em all and let God sort it out” is essentially his thought process. His wife is his voice of reason early on, then encourages him later, while his pre-teen boy is all set to plug people. The other characters are the usual preppers with military grade weaponry or random civilians who end up seeing the light (by shooting people).

I’ve heard the narrator before (Erebus), and he has a tendency to make characters sound like they’re preaching too you, he has a weird patronising tone that gets my goat. Maybe I’m just the sullen teen type.

On the whole, not bad, but not much new on display here. If you want some post-apoc action and “Walking Dead” style setting (no Zs though), jump on board, but it’s definitely got a rinse/wash/repeat vibe to it.