Series started interesting, askingb some philosophical questions about player behavior in games. ended up being av pathetic power trip. God, emperor, overpowered player. everything just gets hand too easily to Runner, trivializes everything. And don’t get me started on the polygamy. I have polyamorous friends and this is not how it works. It’s way too one sided. Women who are supposed to be strong warriors in the story just end up weak and giving up their own freedom so just one guy can have several women. That’s just sad for the ladies. True poly relationships should allow for just as much freedom for women as for men. This guy’s power trip is disgusting, so sad he abandoned every interesting and intelligent idea he had in his first book to write a bad sex fantasy. Also, pretending that he can get all these women because he’s a nice guy who accepts them by complimenting then a bit? He’s just weak and clearly doesn’t know how women work. which… is unfortunate since 90% of his characters are women. I’ll be returning this series.