I think the author has a good concept and has developed an interesting world. The lore is pretty good too. The main character seems off and the lack of him acting more like a dungeon Lord is missing which is a reason I was interested in the book in the first place. The childlike bravado just seems out of place and miss directed.

I was hoping for a tough dungeon lord and really dive into the mechanics of a dungeon build. What we have is a naïve good guy kind of playing one half heartedly. I kind of see what the author was trying to do, and see that it could work.

I am not sure if the author will keep working on the main character development.

I’m not sure if I’ll give this one another shot. I might wait to see what the reviews are.

I hate to write a tough review and respect the author. It is purely for critical feedback.

I went in with an expectation of one type of story and was disappointed. Others might be looking for something else and it could be right up there ally.