I was able to purchase the combined novel Pilgrimage through Audible, which includes all three novellas of the trilogy; Crossing, Refuge, and Advent. Unfortunately Goodreads does not retain Pilgrimage, but does carry the three novellas. Pilgrimage is a story of survival and perseverance. James Rockwell’s vacation with his family on a little island off the coast of Maine is interrupted by a large explosion over the water. Putting two plus two together, as any red-blooded physics teacher would do, James assumed a tsunami was on the way. Bailing out of that situation we follow James and family as they are determined to get home to Maryland. In Refuge they stop at a friendly ranch to recuperate and wind up in a firefight. Advent finds the family making the last stretch across military controlled zones. The characters are well developed and likable. The story is quite believable and kept a good pace with periodic action. Kevin Pierce is amazing as usual. This audiobook was given by the author, narrator, or publisher at no cost in exchange for an unbiased review via Audiobook Boom.
Review from Pilgrimage →