This is a masterpiece for Sheri. The writing is, as always, excellent, the humor subtle, and the action enough to keep us excited without wearing out us readers with angst. More so, however, is how Sheri depicts the relationship, the newly married status of John and Julia. Without going into detail, she nicely shows their physical passion for one another, and the passion of their personalities. The conflicts between them are not at all contrived, and the way the two argue is so realistic I found myself cracking up, while hurting for how their pasts hurt them and threaten their love for one another.

I stayed up half the night to finish it, something I do rarely any more. But it was worth the yawns the next day.

Yes, I guessed the villain fairly easily, and in the story, doing so is just not important. On the contrary, I couldn’t wait for the moment of revelation.

Can’t wait for Book 8. Some interesting days ahead for our protagonists.