- What made the experience of listening to Z-Burbia the most enjoyable?
- I listened to this on a road trip and I found it enjoyable. I was annoyed when I had to stop for gas etc and wanted to keep listening. The reader was enjoyable and I liked his attempt at different voices etc. Very cute. But yeah, the story was good even though it very closely resembled The Walking Dead in a number of ways, granted that is a particularly common story theme in these types of novels.
- What was your reaction to the ending? (No spoilers please!)
- I wanted it to continue… I wanted more. Another book maybe.
- Which character – as performed by Andrew B. Wehrlen – was your favorite?
- maybe the cannibal girl?
- Did you have an extreme reaction to this book? Did it make you laugh or cry?
- Not really. I enjoyed the pacing and story sequencing… and the details included.
- Any additional comments?
- Good job. Great read, especially on a road trip with your truck full of preps 😉
Review from Z-Burbia →