This fifth book in The Borrowed World series continues the story of Jim, Randy, Gary and the rest of the folks in the valley. However, the main focus is on Alice. We get the chance to catch up with Alice, what she finds as she continues her quest home, and where that brings her. While this book is loaded with action, like the others, I don’t feel as deep of a connection with Alice; therefore, it didn’t make as much as an impact on me. I don’t know if it’s just because her character didn’t resonate with me like the others or if it’s because she got less of a role in the series overall. Either way, I enjoyed the book and am looking forward to the next one. I loved Kevin Pierce’s narration, as usual. I love that I can hear and feel the emotions of the story in his words. He narrates as though he is each character, with appropriate tone, pace and feeling.
Review from Valley of Vengeance →