These short stories form a core backbone of classic 1980’s horror, from a decade when horror was visceral and real in a way that can only be crudely aped in the post-internet, post-cgi world of social media and smartphones. Anyone who wants a true taste of subversive and dark goth-style lit should gorge upon the decadent and dissolute feast that is Clive Barker.

My only complaint that is that the voice acting, while solid, could have been better. Some of the actors just don’t capture the languid, jaded but earnest, aloof but incisive voice that I can hear in the words of Clive Barker…both sensitive and bleak, blunt, crass even, yet nuanced and introspective with emotion and carnal desires and disgusts. The voice actors did their best, I suppose. It’s a tall order to serve up the nuances of emotion that Clive Barker’s writing demands. Only the dead, acting life, could possibly achieve it!