Abrahams presents a new concept for the apocalypse genre. Each book finds the same characters in different apocalyptic scenarios with potentially different results. I didn’t realize immediately that each book represented a particular apocalyptic setting in which all the characters were involved with. Hence book one Ash, focuses on nuclear fallout where book two Lit, is about out-of-control wildfires. Maybe other folks didn’t get it right away either. Duh! Lit is an exciting yet morose and emotional tale of courage, fear, perseverance and suffering. As the story continues, the fires spread and converge with each other, the stories of those that survived and those that didn’t became more real to me. I found myself tensing occasionally and a few times felt a lump in my throat. The writing is exceptional having the ability to convey the emotions of first responders, fire fighters and survivors. Kevin Pierce is outstanding as usual. This audiobook was given by the author, narrator, or publisher at no cost in exchange for an unbiased review via Audiobook Boom.