I put off reading this book for so long. Why? Because I had a feeling it would shatter my heart. I was convinced that something really bad was going to happen that would break Charlie’s heart and I just couldn’t bear that.

Obviously, I finally dove in. And now that I have, I can say that I may have overreacted just a little bit. But this book was more serious that its predecessors.

I actually did a mix of audio and straight kindle reading my first time through this book. When I finished, I couldn’t help but listen to the audio again. I’m totally hooked on Joel Leslie. He’s made me love Charlie and Travis even more than I thought possible. I don’t think I’ll ever stop hearing Travis in my head telling Charlie that he’ll die if he doesn’t get inside him in the next 5 minutes.

I honestly don’t know how I can ever say goodbye to Charlie and Travis. I know that I have a few books left yet but they’ve wormed their way deep into my heart. They’ve become favorites and I guess you really never say goodbye to your favorites. And they’ll always be right there waiting for me to visit them again.