I’m not trying to be harsh and I also haven’t checked when it was written, so he may very well have gone off the best info. avail. at the time when referencing the extinction event circa 700,000 yrs. ago. This story could have been much richer and far reaching with a little more through research. Scientists are currently arguing that there is. YD boundary layer signifying a major impact event around 10,900 yrs ago triggering the onset of the Younger-Dryas and wiping out the Mega-Fauna. 2-3yrs ago archeo-astronomers found with a high level of confidence that symbols carved on a pillar at Gobekli-Tepei in Turkey (oldest megalithic site in the world) were almost certainly representative of specific constellations as they would have looked in the sky that time in history. The carvings (The Buzzard Stone) also seem to illustrate a buzzard holding a round ball in its outstretched Wing with a human looking figure beneath it of a man with a severed head. They drew the conclusion that this must be a representation of a cataclysmic event and the timing corresponds tightly with the YD-barrier covering North America into North Eastern South America crossing all the way into North West Europe down into the upper Middle East. This black matte boundary has all the tell tale signs of a major impact event, but… no crater. Why? Hypothesis’s is that a comet or some Extra-terrestrial impact event indeed happened, but there is no impact scar b/c the object impacted the North American Ice Sheet (remember this was during the ice age). This all corresponds with why Mammoths in Siberia wee found flash frozen with undigested food in their mouths and gut and they were blown over snapped off at the knees as if hit by a massive shockwave. My point is, these events may very well happen a lot more often than we think. Interestingly enough. The dates of this possible impact event and the carvings at Gobekli-Tepei perfectly match the dates given by Plato for the destruction of Atlantis. Not saying it existed, but evidence is starting to build that we may only be the latest cycle of advanced human civilization and not necessarily the first. The author wouldn’t need to get into the esoteric side of this, but how much richer could the story have been. The web of modern science, archeology, possible lost ancient human history could have been used to build richer character development, hidden gov’t knowledge/conspiracy of lost civilizations etc and for a longer, richer, broader reading experience. Good short listen, but could have been an outstanding adventure.