I really loved this book when I read it way back, so seeing it as an audio book made my day… exept for the fact its two narrators. I love Joel Leslies work and Philip Alces are also good but still fairely new to me, they did there parts really good in the book and since the chapters follow two pov it works, but I still dont like to listen to different reader styles and having to adjust to the charachters over and over. There is also whenever the narrators switch you have to lower/increse the sound since the tone changed with whoever reads, but it isnt to bad.
I think if they had devided the charachters among the narrators and then stuck to them even thrue the others chapters I wouldnt have minded at all, since it is pov, but ofcourse thats to much work and I have only run into that kind of narration a couple of times. More work but with a so much better result if you ask me.
Other than that this book is really good and the narrators were great. Love the charachters and the story really suck you in, you wont be abel to stop listening!