This story sounded like it would be so much fun and it started out very funny and I was hanging on to every word but after about two hours it really started going downhill for me and then I struggled to finish with a little over an hour left. The only likable characters were Lionel and Doug/Dogs mother. Doug’s sister was worse than Doug to me before she forced situations as if she was a 13 year old teenager instead of a 30 year old married woman. What I didn’t like the the author did with Lionel was make him weak after Doug pulled that stunt at the movies. There were not in any kind of relationship and if anyone had an ounce of self respect they would have never looked at Doug again. Only a desperate and weak person would give him another chance. Doug never even said I’m sorry and even if he did he still shouldn’t have ever talked to him again. Oh and that so called show of support was stupid. They were at a gay bar it meant nothing. if Doug had shown up like that in front of his father then it would have been a big deal. Joel Leslie as narrator was fabulous as always.