This book was recommended by a friend because I love Firefly. When I started listening, I was doing a lot of eye-rolling because it’s a LOT like Firefly. So much that I was turned off at first, it felt like a rip-off of the show. But my friend convinced me to keep listening and give it a chance and now I’m hooked. Yes, it’s a derelict spaceship with a crew that does odd jobs, not all of them legal, to get by. Yes, there’s a captain who used to be in the military. I won’t list all the similarities. But it develops into its own story and the similarities to Firefly become irrelevant. The characters are strong, deep, and interesting. The world is complex. And the voice narration is incredible. There are TONS of characters, yet I know immediately who is speaking because Mikael Naramore has a distinct voice for each one. Plus, it’s 85 HOURS for one credit. Give it a chance, I promise you won’t be sorry. Just hang in there if you find the first hour or so too derivative.