I usually don’t do reviews. For me to do a review you either have to had royally screw up, or done a 15/10 star job. Yes, that’s right, 15 out of 10, I know it doesn’t make sense, don’t care, lalalalala. The series is great, the narration is awesome. The characters grow, the plot moves. My only complaint? Um, I didn’t want it to end? But seriously, look, you are getting 85 beyond awesome hours for 20 bucks. I feel like I’ve stolen this, the amount of entertainment I got out the 85 hours greatly exceeded 20 dollars. If you were a fan of Firefly or Farscape series, you would definitely love this. A bunch of rag tag misfits just trying to get by, shining beacons of morality they are not. They are all flawed individuals, but a flawed character is much more interesting and three dimensional than your standard upstanding citizen trope in my opinion.