it is worth a credit, but i recommend that u are used to sex scenes in books. i say again, there are tones of sex scenes… yet the storyline is origonal and the writing is well done. plus the narration is on point.

here are some spoilers if u wanna know aht its stop reading right now if u dont want to know the plot.. but this may get u over the fence if u are still ambivolent. its about a guy alittle in the future when there is space travel. theres a certain system that humans colonized where the sun gives them powers. most ppl dont even know about this yet but probably thru some super power this guy who has hereditary powers is warped from earth to a space prison in this system. He has to stop the prison break of villians while teaming up with a few decent ppl….all while screwing pretty much everything that gain powers of course…..ahem so yea cool story, rediculous amount of sex. still worth a credit.

final note if the author reads this…please quit using the word pussy so much. its just so…crude. im not a big sex novel fan but ive heard enough of them to know what is ok and what is a little cringy. try entrence or some other elusive word once in a while lol it just got a little base at times.

but yea keep up the good work devil. ill get the next one when it comes out.