Okay, I thought the last book was my favorite but I’ve changed my mine. I liked this one best.

Martha Meyerstein was kidnapped and the immediate world was looking for her, and then Jon Reznick got involved and all the killing and excitement began. I’ll tell ya’ those Russian mobsters are some really bad people no matter who writes the book. There’s nothing nice about them, at all.

I was surprised at Curt White of the CIA. I mean he shot Reznick to take the guy Reznick had questioned, about the whereabouts of Martha, and everyone knew it but it seemed to be okay. WTH? A CIA agent can shoot someone whose working with the FBI and nothing is done about it? Yeah, I don’t get that.

Anyway, I’m off to read book 5 in this series.

Nothing romantic and the F-bomb, if you can believe it, was used 128 times. Wow!

As to the narration: Great men’s voices but Jeffrey Kafer still stinks at women’s voices. He does have a really nice reading voice, though.