Auxem (Auxem #1)

**** (Four Stars)

I had a very hard time processing how to rate this book. I loved it but at the same time there were several discrepancies and unanswered questions that really bothered me. It starts off fast and dreamy with a lot of sexual tension. There are a ton of new characters, some new back story information, and a bunch of future potential for additional stories for the other characters!

Jayne Lynch and Arnon are great characters. They have spark from the very first moment. They both value family, are intelligent, hard workers and put others before themselves. Their story may well be my favorite TerraMates love story so far.

My only issue with the story is that there are a lot of contradictions, a few discrepancies that the author attempts to clear up but after you finish you realize they never really were and a few side story lines that you are left hanging on.

Like I said before, this was a great love story so that earns stars but I really hope that Lisa finishes some of the side stories!!!

Ayrie (Auxem #2)

***** (Five Stars)

Ellie intrigued me in Auxem. She fought her way to school, she’s survived against the odds, and she was accepted in to TerraMates even though she should not have been. She has had a rough life, bad relationship experiences, and she grew up poor so she is tough, tougher than even she realizes! It’s her own bad luck that she went from having a marriage of convenience to falling in love with her husband! Dumb, dumb, dumb but true none the less, now what to do about it?

Ayrie does all the right things for all the wrong reasons and what he wants is to never, ever love. He doesn’t want fall in love, he doesn’t want anyone to make it past his defenses and make him care and most of all he does not want to bond, no way!

The problem is that Ellie is possibly reaching through his shields instead of trying to go around them and it is confusing the heck out of him! Why does he care what she says, thinks, or feels? All she is to him is a distraction, she distracts him to the point of insanity and its not just her super hot body, no she has brains, and heart and he is afraid to hurt her but he is more afraid to let her go.

Anders (Auxem #3)

***** (Five Stars)

In an attempt to avoid falling in love Anders is always attracted to woman who are unobtainable but what happens when his best friend, secret crush and partner is suddenly free of the marriage that has kept her from him?! Basically his world is flipped upside down and so was mine as a reader! I did not realize from the last book that Gwen and her husband were not from Auxem so imagine my surprise when Gwen finally broke the news to Anders that her marriage was over! I was shocked! I was also excited because we all knew that what Anders really wanted was a chance at Gwen but did her failed marriage mean she would not trust love again? Sure enough they are thrust in to the middle of a fight for their lives and everyone on the ship. The adventure that ensues leads them on a galactic game of hide, seek and conquer and the adrenaline rush pushes Gwen to cross binderies that Anders just cannot handle. Will they be able to save their fellow passengers and their hearts? Sit down, relax and follow their ultimate journey to find out!

Alien Prince’s Mate (Auxem #4)

***** (Five Stars)

It is crazy how something so amazing can come from some of your darkest moments and how chance encounters can forever change your world! When Priya is rejected from the program she thinks her life is over but it is really just the beginning! The first incident happens as she is leaving after her elimination from the program and bumps in to a sexy man. Then she is stopped by some low life’s who try to steal her money and her body. Trying to hide from her attackers she ends up on a transport. She thinks she will be able to come right back to Earth and no one will be the wiser but life has something else in mind.

Pirates invade the ship while Allex is away from his family. They message him to get to the safe room ASAP but he is tired of always doing what he is told and wants to try and rescue his people. Unbeknownst him, Priya is stowed away on the ship, and a chance encounter involving a pipe brings together this unlikely pair. Being thrust in to such dire circumstance forms a bond that evolves quickly and both of their lives are changed forever.

I do not feel like their story is over and I really hope to get more insight in the next book but I enjoyed their adventure and hope to see how it continues.

Avren (Auxem #5)

***** (Five Stars)

Throughout the Auxem Series I have had many questions and this latest installation finally answers them. Lisa went a different direction with Avren and Vanessa’s story. Of course there was sexy characters, adventure, excitement and steamy sex-not-sex (if you’ve read about the Auxem Men then you know what I mean, wow! Who could have thought that almost sex could be so HOT!) but she added a bit of mystery and intrigue that kept me guessing why. I loved how all my questions were answered, getting caught up on all my favorite characters from the series, knowing where it all led but I really loved Avren and Vanessa and all they had to overcome to get to their HEA.