In Stay Awhile, we meet Megan a mother who just found out the life she was living was a lie. Megan has a tough road ahead of her, but she has her sister Vanessa, daughter and Garrett to help her through the tough times.

Moving forward is difficult for Megan with her main focus being on her five year daughter. Megan’s a cautious character full of doubt in regards to trusting people. She was burned by her husband. Therefore, she struggles with facing her fears, it’s easier for her to run and distance herself. Megan’s character was stressful to read with her indecisiveness.

Sarah Puckett is the narrator for all male and female characters. While I’m typically not of a fan of narrators who voice both genders I can appreciate the effort. Sarah did the best narration she could with the type of dialogue in this story. Had I been reading this story I would have bailed on this one.

This is a second chance romance for Garrett to become more than friends with Megan. This is a different type of friends to lover story than what I’m used to. Apparently, Garrett and Megan were friends in the early years until she married Connor. About seven years pass by until Garrett and Megan cross paths. At this point Garrett is upfront and honest with his feelings and intentions with Megan.

Garrett has to bridge the gap between friend to doctor to lover. It’s a push n pull relationship since her trust has been jeopardized.

I didn’t like the direction Gia took Connor’s character. It was a cop out and too convenient for Megan. Megan’s character escapes making choices when Connor takes charge for her. It doesn’t allow Megan to look strong or independent. Instead she moves from one man to another filling the void too quickly.
Connor’s behavior didn’t fit with his actions. This story bulldozed into one monumental moment and expected the reader to choose sides based on limited knowledge.

Conner was a selfish character who made decisions that were difficult to comprehend based on his words. Because of these actions Megan’s character appears weak. Her weakness is frustrating based on Connor’s actions. I wanted to shake her and slap her.
Even after the way Gia ended this story I still stand behind my feelings about Connor’s character being selfish because all these circumstances took placed from the one mistake he made.