Imagine the bizarre universe of Douglas Adams hitch-hiker series, then imagine a less famous group of mischievous friends, cruising around space, trying to make a living with the minimum of work required, Not legal? = Not a problem! and with much unpredictable results from “job” to “job” – And you have the gest of this story 🙂 Its not a rip-off of Mr. Adams and the humour isn’t quite the same, but there’s good natured banter and enough ridiculous stuff going on, I’m sure you would agree it could have happened a few planets away from Zaphod, Ford and Dent 😉 You get interested in the characters from page one and the longer you listen to this book, the more you dread it has to end at some point.. I highly recommend it to anyone who likes the “underdogs” and the not always perfect heroes (They wish haha). Go get it, enjoy!!