I don’t read a lot of paranormal books, but I recently finished the Red Dirt Heart series so I thought I’d continue on a NR Walker binge and I’m so glad I did! How many reviews can I start by saying “I love this book so much!”??? Well, let’s mark this down as another one! I loved it!

I loved Cronin and Alec and all the delicious sexual tension radiating off of them. Gah! I loved Eiji (sooo funny) and Jodis. I loved Alec’s dad Cole. This book made me so happy, I’d find myself with a goofy grin on my face while listening.

There were times I was tempted to grab my phone and sneak read while at work becasue I wasn’t able to listen and I wanted to keep going, but the audiobook was EVERYTHING so I never cheated. Joel did such a freaking incredible job! His narration was truly brilliant. 2 silly things, but I loved the way Cronin said “No” and the way Alec said “Oh”. I don’t know what it was about those two words, but they just made me smile.

I want this series to be on television- who do we need to speak to, to get this done???