I was able to purchase the boxed set of this series, which includes all three books of the trilogy; Spaceman, Descent, and Retrograde. I had listened to the first volume Spaceman over a year ago, enjoyed it, and reviewed it. Now I have the opportunity for the second and third volumes. Book two picks up as our intrepid astronaut Clayton Shepard manages an unguided reentry to get himself back on Terra firma. Not knowing exactly where he is Clayton makes an educated guess and heads for safety. Back at home everyone is dealing with the power loss and not knowing what has happened or how long it will last, which is probably worse. Deep Six Nikki and Rick are my favorites. Even though only a short amount of time has passed since the event the ne’er do wells begin to make themselves known. Meanwhile the government with select others make plans to tuck its tail and head for the mountain; Cheyenne Mountain that is. Or are they? Seems there is more to this selective evacuation than meets the eye. With the possibility of a second CME conspiracy theories abound as the government initiates the Descent Protocol. Illuminati in the house! This story gets better and better! Book three was a considerable slower pace than prior volumes. The second CME has come and gone with devastating results. This third book focused more on the conspiracy and conversely, Clayton’s efforts to get home. The Spaceman Chronicles trilogy is unique in its scope and excellent in its delivery of a possible future. I heartily recommend this series to any post-apocalyptic fan.