Not a bad idea for a story and with a few rewrites it could have been great. It’s not a new idea, but implementation is everything here and it’s not great.

One problem is that the author slips in sexual scenes that do nothing to enhance the story or are misplaced.
An example is when a magical being is repeatedly eaten alive again and again until she becomes an extreme pain fetishist and starts orgasming while being torn limb from limb. This is out of place, adds nothing to the story, never has an impact on the characters’ actions, and seems to just be the author’s odd kinks coming through. The same can be said for the only vanilla sex scene in the story, and the completely unnecessary rape scene later on.

The other problem is that there is no story here. The mimic wanders around and reacts to situations, killing things. That’s it. The author tries to slip a narrative in at the end, hinting that the next book will have an actual plot, but it’s too little too late.

The last problem is that this book is misogynistic as hell. Basically, every woman in the story is a big breasted bimbo. Every single one and it’s not a long list.

The only ray of sunshine here is the performance. Jeff Hayes brings his A game this time and is fantastic. He does different voices, sound effects, and even some audio filtering at one point. If there’s an award for audiobook narration, he needs to be nominated for this one. It’s just a shame it’s not a better book.