The earth women are hiding a secret. They are converting the dungeon into a Halloween attraction park. The men are obsessed with finding out what they are doing. They have never heard of Halloween , so Trelon puts a tracker on Cara. When the men sneak out in the middle of the night to explore, they freak out when weird things start to happen. Of course the dragonlings are there and cause more havoc.

Nice novella to add to the many great books about the Valdier!

In the second story, the men are involved in Halloween this year. They are helping the women make a castle with a wicked queen. When the dragonlings overhear, they think a wicked queen is coming to take the babies.The women go on a shopping spree and leave the men in charge of the kids.

Because the dragonlings confuse a story that Cara is telling them with the theme park. They rig up booby traps throughout the nine different areas of the castle to stop the Queen and her minions. The men get to transverse through the traps in order to find the kids before the women return.

This story is hilariously cute!