Wow! This must have been narrated then the author went back in and rewrote a lot of it. There was sooo many words changed and phrases erased or added I couldn’t believe it. Also, it’s time to get a little more imaginative when it comes to answers and replies, author. After a search on my iPad it says the word “said” was used 1000+ times in the 278 pages of this book. Yeah, that may have been a little too much. When something becomes repetitive it also becomes annoying after a while.

But mostly I loved this book. A just adore Crawford and Ott. The two stories of murder were great and I liked Rose. Even though she was a gossip she was definitely Crawford’s go-to gal for info on the millionaires and billionaires of Palm Beach. AND when everyone in PB wanted Knight Mulcahy dead it was quite the task finding the killer. Plus, the killer of the 21 year old American-Muslim. Poor kid, he really loved America, and that cost him his life.

There was not even a hint of closeness of anyone in this book that would make you think of sex but the F-bomb was used 37 times.

As to the narration: I don’t think I would have liked this book even half as much if I had just read it. The voices Phil Thron gave Crawford, low and sexy and the one he gave Ott, so gravelly it sounded like he was a two pack a day smoker were awesome. Every man in this book had his own voice BUT the women still kinda sucked. Really need to practice that Phil. However, the book was so good I could overlook that.