First of all, this is no more Science Fiction than Star Wars is.

Second, it’s great. The author explicitly states this is meant to be the spiritual descendent of Firefly/Serenity, and I’d say he accomplished that goal. I’m old enough to see James Garner as Carl, so the old Maverick show is a similar vibe.

Carl’s schemes are byzantine, and it’s often not clear what is his eccentric genius and what is absurd luck, but the capers are a blast and 90% of the time our toes are hanging over a ledge.

Every character is fully realized and quite distinct, so that attributions are not really needed.

These truly are outlaws, and we ought not to root for them, but I did.

Mikael Naramore helps greatly by having a great range of very distinct, appropriate, and consistent voices, and he clearly takes the trouble to understand the author’s intent with each line.

I was looking for hard science fiction when I bought this, and it certainly is nothing of the sort, but my work fell behind as I enjoyed every minute of 83+hours with the crew of the Mobius.