Characters: The male and female protagonists fall in love about as fast as Romeo and Juliet, and are willing to die for each other within a few days. Yet these star struck lovers can not be together because of ‘magic’ so you will spend most of the book listening to them pine for each other. The protagonist also has a tendency to threaten people with violence/death whenever he does not get what he wants. You get some pleasant character development at the start and end but nothing in between.

Plot: The literal “power of love” is a thing and has significant impact on the plot; if that bugs you I would recommend that you do not read this. The plot talks about there being a grey zone between good and bad and how everyone thinks that they are a hero, but then proceeds to make all of the villains about as evil as possible. Do not expect a grey zone between good and evil and people having issues with figuring out what the right thing to do is. Outside of that the plot has its ups and downs.

Writing: The writing is relatively enjoyable when the male and female protagonists are not traveling with each other. Unfortunately they stick with each other for the majority of the book. You will find a few hours of torture/rape in the book, but no excessive details are provided. The rape/torture can be considered worth it to further the plot/character development.