Where was the character development? We were told that Kali was a strong, fierce, independent woman, however the story showed us a whole other Kali who was actually a pushover. She either cried and chucked mega tantrums (locking herself away in the bathroom,sometimes for days, seriously?), or she was worried about upsetting people and didn’t want the argument – there was one idiot guy the author seemed to add to the story just to force Kali to kiss him and demonstrate that she was too weak to say no. Why do this if you are convincing us that she is strong, fierce, brave, independent etc?

Kali’s brother, (we’re told he is a most trusted, loyal amazing, well loved brother) gave her away – yep, just like she was an object. Suddenly she is not tough enough or fierce enough or smart enough to get by anymore, so she was given away, I wonder if her brother would break down and cry if she gave him away to aliens when she thought he was to weak to look after himself, for his own protection of course.

Razor was fine, (though I could say a lot about his treatment of Kali as an imbecile), and the world building was pretty good.

Unfortunately the huge character contradictions made an otherwise interesting plot less amazing.