David Brenin would be one of my most favorite of male narrators. He does an absolutely fabulous job narrating SE Smith’s books. He takes you on a ride with just his voice. He has such good range with pitch, diction, accents, and distinguished vocal male and female.
Now with that said. I had much fun getting to know Jesse and Hunter, Saber, Daggar, Jordan, and Taylor. Jesse and Hunter were the primary focus of this one and it was on from the very beginning. Scared and hungry Jesse does something she knew was right. She could not allow for this Trivator to be killed in that manner. She was going to do what she could and be on her way. She was just not expecting for so much to happen so fast. Jesse finds that she has so much more to care for than her sisters. She find something they all have been looking for for a very long time.
My introduction to this world of Traivator invation was the new start I was looking for.