A Sister of a Knight of the realm falls head over heals for a real life Lady of the realm. In the realm she is a nothing, not even worth looking at twice. Much less speaking too. One thing leads to another and she saves her loves live while wearing some of her sister’s things, and there in lays the burn. How can she tell her she is just a commoner, and have the one woman she has loved from afar for years just stop talking to her as so much trash. Or can she keep up this pretense of a Royal Knight without being caught instead of just being a stable hand with no prospects of ever moving up to Squire as many have done. She lacks the blood line. Her sister was Lucky and Good. But it will never happen to her. And if she does go on with the Pretense How Long before she caught and called out! And her Lady Love finds out Anyway and then she will never speak to her again for sure. She is between a Rock and a hard Place, but the heart whats what the heart wants- So guess which story the book is about?