Bridget has out done herself with this lady knight book. Of all of her books her lady knight books are her best. Of course I haven’t listen to her latest fantasy romance redo from her previous pen name which is also supposed to be set in this universe . I am a big fan of the entire universe she has created. Finally someone who actually writes lesbian fantasy with just a hint of s&D. She truly gets how a real loving couple feels about each other when they’re in love. (Well that’s still how I feel after 28 year with the women who swept me of my feet. She was a squire in the SCA when I met her boy could she fight with those rattan weapons and sexy oh you want to talk about sexy oh baby oh.)
Bridget writes beautiful love scenes without being crass or only having sex in her books. She tells a whole story that would have any romance reader clapping for joy at the end.
Also a loud huzzah for TJ Richards the narrator. Her lovely voice added to the story as well.

Bridget First off if you’re the one to thank, I don’t really know how it works and anytime I have called asking about another authors series and what happened Audible has been very mysterious , thank you so much for continuing to bring your books to audible for those of us especially who either don’t have time or ability to sit still to read.
Also please write more about this couple especially as the squire becomes a knight!