I’ve heard great things about this series – it’s my first from N.R. Walker – and I love Joel Leslie’s voice (he could read me the phone book and I’d love it), so when I won a copy of book 1 back in March I decided to get the whole series. I just wish I hadn’t waited so long to finally listen to them.

Spencer Cohen has an unusual profession – he makes people jealous. More specifically, he pretends to be the boyfriend of his client so that the ex-boyfriend (or girlfriend – although he prefers working with male clients) gets jealous and realizes what they’re missing. The hope is that the ex will wake up and want to get back together with his client.

Spencer is an Aussie transplant living in LA. I don’t want to say much more about this because learning Spencer’s background is a big part of the story. Speaking of which – I don’t usually read/listen to books that have sequels/cliffhangers. I’ve learned to make exceptions to this policy, though, and don’t mind reading them at all as long as the entire series is finished before I start – which was the case with The Spencer Cohen Series.

While the first two books in the series don’t exactly have cliffhangers, you really should read/listen to them in order. Book one actually ends with an HFN (happy for now). A true cliffhanger usually ends with something very suspenseful so that you can’t wait to read the next one. I would have felt very satisfied with the ending of book 1 had I not known that there were two more to come but I was so captivated by the characters that I couldn’t wait to start listening to the next one.

Book two reveals much more about Spencer and what has happened in his past to make him wary of accepting the relationship that is developing between him and Andrew. There is a lot of slow build up and a bit of UST (unresolved sexual tension). A new character is introduced via a new client that Spencer takes on – albeit a bit reluctantly since something just doesn’t seem right about him. A nice bit of mystery adds to the story. Spencer meets Andrew’s parents and this provided a surprise and nice background on Andrew. And boy, book two is HOT!

Book three has several different crises happening, mostly for Spencer. While I loved all three books, this one just about ripped my heart out and had the tears flowing; it was perfect. I absolutely loved the epilogue that takes place two years later. I absolutely recommend these audio books!

Note: the blurbs for each book are great and say things much better than I ever could in this review.

***Reviewed for Xtreme-Delusions dot com***