Audio-book: Narrators – Lacy Laurel and Jeffrey Kafer

These narrators did an exceptional job! Both were able to switch smoothly from male pov to female pov without a disruption in my enjoyment of the story. Jeffrey’s voice was exactly as I would imagine Alexander’s to be and he brought the character to full dominate life. Lacy’s voice was sweet, innocent and perfect for the uncertain and confused Krystina. When emotion was called for both of these narrators allowed their voices to flow with the full depth of characterization. I could not have asked for better rendering than this duo.

I really enjoyed this story. The characters are each holding secrets that prevent them from looking for a full committed relationship. However, once Alex and Krystina begin their arrangement the chemistry between them is too much to ignore and they begin to sink into a deeper intimacy.

I did struggle some with the trust issue. While Krys eventually shared her secret, Alex did not, would not. And yet, he was the one who continued to remind her that their relationship required trust. That didn’t really work for me especially as he would demand it from her, and trust cannot be forced, it is earned over time.

Otherwise, I actually loved this couple. They were like my jam. I like sweet heroines who are soft in character (not weak doormats) and heroes who want to protect and provide for the heroine. I found both of these with Krystina and Alexander. I enjoyed that what Alex initially meant to be an occasional thing a few nights a week suddenly became a need to have her with him always. That right there…more jam.

I didn’t realize this would end in a cliffhanger and I kept thinking, better wrap this up guys! But alas, I was disappointed to learn there was no wrapping it up but a huge cliffy that is driving me freaking crazy right now! And while I have an abhorrence to cliffhangers, I’m secretly thrilled that Alex and Krys’ story isn’t over yet. Shh. Don’t tell anyone.

I was given this free review copy audiobook at my request and have voluntarily left this review.