I make no mystery about my love of all things Jake Bible. The man can do no wrong in my universe. This latest listen is just more evidence of that fact.

Agent Prime is non-stop. Non-stop mystery. Non-stop intrigue. Non-stop action. Non-stop problem-solving. Non-stop Jake Bible. From the opening paragraph to the head-scratching “noooooooo” ending, this listen had it all.

Of course, no admiration of Jake Bible is complete without a nod to one of the best narrators for his stories, Andrew Wehrlen. There is a point in this book where Wehrlen is asked to give 13 distinct voices, 13 distinct motivations and affects and to do so in less than 60 seconds. He nailed it. Absolutely. Nailed. It.

I won’t give away the book ending but I can not wait for book two.