Worthless Read…this book is a repeat of the author ‘s two previous books. in this book the author repeats the same information over and over again in different chapters. i believe this is, to one, take up pages in a 3rd release of the same topic so it will sell….very say.

i didnt hear any new revealed information presented in this book that wasnt in his previous books. i skipped througt most of the chapters searching for new information…no luck.

As, with Dorothy Kilgallen family statment in the preface of this author’s released next book on the same topic…lol. “i believe this author is just trying to make money off our mother death” or somethng like that…i agree. if you really want to read about Dorothy Kigallen’s death. Just read this authors 1st book ” The Reporter who knew too Much” and stop there.

This guy following books are only repeats… the same information over & over again…. Don’t waste your time useless you’re bored.