Great writing! Great narration!

Yes, it’s like Firefly, but readers who enjoyed the Old Man’s War series, or the Iron Druid series, or the Peter Grant series, maybe even the Harry Potter series, with a tad of Ready Player One . . . could really enjoy this series.

It has the same feel as most of those series, where a group of friends go through adventures or just life together over time.

There’s a bonus here though. The ideas are really good – the tech, the magic, and especially the little descriptive touches that really create a scene in the mind’s eye. Also, it’s really great that any other characters that are introduced into a story line are really described and given a “look” and a “personality” and are not left as cardboard cutouts for the main characters to do something with. Everyone gets to have some depth.

At the end of this audio book collection the author promises more to come. Looking forward to that.