I love ur writing, I love ur books, but this one pissed me off towards the end.
Y give this whole schpiel about Ryun having this domain ability that basically allows him to be a god within his realm of influence …n then when we don’t get to see him use it when he fights?!?!?!?
Listen man, u’ve got to give the people what they want …or at least what they think they want
n if ur not going to give them what they think they want, then u need to give them something better
…I promise u none of ur readers wanted this long drawn out thing, where the main character (and this book does have a main character ….and it is Ryun) is held back from us …playing this game of keep away does not provide ur readers with an enjoyable experience
I find myself feeling like this book ate up a bunch of my time, got me feeling really frustrated along the way, and then disappointed me at the end
That said, I’m still a huge fan …and I still love the series …just remember u have an audience bro, n u need to keep us in mind when u write stuff …generally we trust u to take us on a journey and we go with u willingly, but it needs to be worth it in the end, n u need to make it somewhat enjoyable along the way
anyways …that’s my 2 cents