I avoided buying this book even though it’s been suggest by Audible for quite some time. The title made it seem like it was geared towards horny men, but I listened to the preview of the second one and it made me laugh. I also realized Jeff Hayes narrated it and I LOVE his performance in Dungeon Crawler Carl. So I finally broke down and bought the first one.
This book is tagged as funny. i didn’t laugh even one time. I got past a little ways after “he” gets his first familiar and then I went to check the reviews. This book is grotesque which is whatever, but it tries to pass it off as humorous when it’s just not. It tries and fails to be dark humor. Looking at the reviews reveals I’m not the only one who feels this way. DCC is dark humor peak. This book is like that awkward acquaintance desperately trying to be funny, but only ends up leaving you in awkward silence wondering what hell is even happening. The premise is actually very interesting and I would have loved it, but I just can’t get past the way the author just tries to bludgeon the reader with gore and awkward sadomasochism. Every female character had some kind of sexual content written about them. Usually in the grossest ways possible. It’s like he mashed weird anime porn with literature. Someone in the reviews said there’s even a tentacle scene. That sealed it for me. This book is not for me.