Other reviews mentioned that this was somewhoat like the TV show “Firefly.” “Okay, I liked that show . . . the home spun flavor of a cozy space craft crewed by a bunch of misfits – an old fashion western set in space.” So if “Galaxy Oulaws” was like that, then I will probably enjoy it. But it was the whooping 85 hours of listening at the price of 1 credit that sold me. But other than the basic set up of a roaming space ship – this is not “Firefly” – this is much better. I could hardly “put this audio book down” so to speak. It is just nice to find something that is way more than I was hoping it would be. The characters are just great – fleshed out – so quirky and so funny. The word that just comes to mind when I think of this audiobook is Fun!.

It is a bit on the mature side with some swearing, some sex references, etc. Normally, I don’t care for that in a book but here it is handled discreetly for laughs – I would call this a PG 13 book for the most part. And the narrator is real good Highly recommended.