I’ll start by saying that I enjoyed the series. It was an interesting premise and a neat treatment of the genre.

That said, I kept losing my immersion from all of the little details that rang false. Fire inexplicably spreading at light speed across wide streets and paved subdivisions, Flood water rising faster and higher than it seems the laws of physics could allow, and receding at a pace fast enough to move the plot but not fast enough to save one of the protagonists. Rain having a big effect two paragraphs after the rain ended. And so forth. No single book was immune.

My other gripe was the constant sense of Deus ex Machina. Lots of plot armor and reverse plot armor going on. Seemed like someone was always tripping over something right when things were getting hairy. Also, I know it wasn’t really part of the agenda to go deep into the aftereffects of each calamity, but I would have liked to have had better closure on each. We did find out the fates of the survivors of the first book, but not until midway through the last.