Firstly, if you are hoping this book is about climate change denialism, it is not. Lomborg argues that climate change is real, man-made, and must be addressed. His point is both climate denialism AND what has become “mainstream” climate change alarmism are BOTH inconsistent with the science. He maintains that the goal of limiting temperature increase of 2 degrees centigrade (3.6F) was never practically achievable (and over time has become virtually impossible), and investing in cost effective mitigation, adaptation, and reducing global poverty, along with long term fossil fuel redcution and research into future global geoengineering interventions, is the most practical way forwards consistent with science. Lomborg presents analysis that estimate the optimal allowed temperature rise should be about 6F to 7F to minimize human suffering.

There is a long PDF with many of the charts discussed in the book. I recommend reviewing the PDF both before and after listening to the book.

One weaknesses I found in the book is Lomborg relies heavily on current understanding of the science, and he does not highly rate the possibility of beyond-worst-case scenarios. Given our lack of understanding of global climate systems it is difficult to judge how safe this assumption is.

This is important book for anyone interested in understanding the economic realities of climate change.

The narration was excellent.