I’m sorry but this story is straight up garbage. At first I blamed the Narrator, but then I heard his reading on another book and liked it, so it’s definitely the story itself. The MC is a complete tool. All he does is build the goblin village, which I didn’t mind at first, gotta make some proper defenses but then he just builds and builds and oh guess what he builds some more. It got so damn boring.

And the writer seems to get a bit confused at some points he mentions the goblins are small, ugly, and barely 4 feet. But then he’ll describe the MCs love interest (who’s a goblin of course) and her proportions add up to an average sized human as does the MC, so yeah are they supposed to be tiny or human size?

All in all, the story had potential. Be came out short. Save your credit, cash and your time. If you want a good lit rpg check out The Land.