More focus on average funny things (which kinda only is funny because of the parody element, as in it would be very “cheesy” if not going over the top). So this series will probably complete my litrpg series I am following. (Defiance of the fall, Primal Hunter, Dungeon Crawler Carl and now this. Kind of ranked from the “serious” series to more humor which culminating with the this.)

My biggest frustration these days is how long it takes before the books from these take before they are released on audiobooks. I see this has released book 6 2 weeks ago and Primal Hunter like a month ago or more.

(it would feel better if the “printed” books would not release before the audiobooks, so I didn’t have the option to buy and read it which would end up taking up even more time of my day than books already do! (I can’t read “read” while walking, doing grocery etc!!)

Anyway, building mental fortitude to endure the ITCHING of waiting for next books!