I know a lot of litRPG comes from fanfic origins, and if you can get over the serial structure and amateur writing many of them are still quite fun and enjoyable! That was not the case here.

This is quite possibly the worst book I’ve ever completed. It might be the first overall 1/5 rating I’ve ever given. I picked it up because Jeff Hays did such a stellar job on Dungeon Crawl Carl and I was looking for another fix. His performance here was fine, but it’s no Soundbooth production.

What really stood out, though, was complete lack of personality, character growth, or plot development of any kind. There were no challenges that were not immediately resolved. The dialog was perfunctory and juvenile. The action was completely incongruous from the rest of the text. There wasn’t even any real advancement, aside from MC taking more slaves and getting more ‘points’ to spend on things.

I think I’d give this story a 1 star review even if its premise wasn’t totally insane, but it sure didn’t help. Fast food store manager lives the dream of quitting to become CEO and slave owner over beautiful women super heroes, puts them to work in some kind of libertarian wet dream where they spend half their time using their super powers to dominate the pawn shop industry and the other half revolutionizing society by providing for the needs of all the indentured servants. What the actual f is this bizarre wish fulfillment plot? It’s not even FUN.

I’m fine with a little fan service, but this was a whole order of magnitude worse than I could have imagined. -100 out of 10, I wish I could get my 11 hours back. I am personally afraid that over 10k people read and liked this book.