Carol Wyer has created an intricate and intriguing story. The underlying topics of homelessness and mental illness resonate in today’s climate.

Newly promoted DCI Natalie Ward is working through the challenges of a blended family with her partner, Mike, when she’s thrown into a complicated series of murders. Are they the work of one killer, or are they random. Natalie assigns the case to recently promoted Lucy, who is not only struggling with her own issues, but is unsure of herself as lead Investigator.

As the case progresses, the team finds themselves involved in department politics, the world of the homeless, sufferers of mental illness, drugs, and prostitution.

I had a few suspects at the beginning, but learned I wasn’t close to solving this case. There were some great twists in this story and I was hooked till the end.

Diana Croft did an excellent job as narrator.