Maybe This Time is an absolute gem of an Audible Original, blending science fiction with a poignant exploration of human connection. The story follows a woman who mysteriously travels 85 years into the future, yet her one lifeline to the past is through a phone call to a man who she barely knows in his own time. This unique twist on time travel creates a thrilling, emotional dynamic as the two characters, both teachers, navigate a complex friendship across different eras.
What makes this story truly shine is its ability to balance the sci-fi elements with deep emotional resonance. The tension between these characters—one who knows the other in the future, but not yet in the present—keeps you hooked from beginning to end. Their evolving relationship is as much a part of the adventure as the time-bending plot, making the story feel incredibly personal, despite the extraordinary circumstances.
The voice acting is superb, and the production quality is top-notch, immersing you in the world completely. The ending, without spoiling anything, is incredibly satisfying, leaving the characters in a place that feels both surprising and inevitable.
If you’re a fan of stories that make you think, feel, and question the nature of fate and friendship, Maybe This Time is a must-listen. It’s a masterful blend of clever storytelling and heartwarming moments, and it will stay with you long after you’ve finished. Highly recommended!