Performance: I’m not a fan of lucky byfleet. She’s not a great actress and all her characters sound the same. That’s a problem at the end when there are two female characters in nearly every scene, it gets confusing. I also think the sound booth theater formula of having laughs and sound effects in the background is wearing on me generally

Story: I get the impression from Reddit that the author has had personal struggles lately and I can respect that but this is not a complete book.

Other reviews call this a “cliffhanger” but that is not accurate. A cliffhanger is when, during the denouement of a story, a tense new situation is set up to be resolved during the next book. This story doesn’t even make it to its own climax. Very different.

This is an ok first half of a book. I might have even accepted it if they’d shown the fight they set up just before the ending, although the books true climax was clearly intended to occur during the party’s return to the origin floor. As things stand, I’m mad I spent a credit on it.

I think this might be a situation where the author needs to bail on the series. It seems like it didn’t get popular enough to pay their bills. That’s a true shame but I’d rather read a different series by this author than another half finished book like this.